Huck Otranto CamargoHuck Otranto Camargo


Corporate Social Security and Social Contributions

In the area of social security and social contributions, Huck Otranto Camargo works with a team of labor and tax attorneys, providing consulting services, strategic planning and advice on main and ancillary obligations related to social security contributions and social contributions in general (third parties, S system, FGTS, etc.).

The firm also acts in the litigation, administrative and judicial areas, with extensive experience in the defense of violation notices; tax debit notifications; FGTS issuance; writ of mandamus; lawsuits declaring the lack of legal, tax and social security relationship, annulments of entries; tax foreclosures of social security contributions and social contributions in general.

Huck Otranto Camargo is also specialized in in the defense of administrative proceedings brought by regulatory and supervisory bodies as well as judicial proceedings, including proceedings brought by participants and beneficiaries, accountability and liability of administrators. Furthermore, we act in extrajudicial interventions and settlements.